Preprints, Working Papers, ... Year : 2021

Limits and Potential Solutions to Represent and Analyze Multidimensional and Heterogeneous Situations


The universe is made of multidimensional and heterogenous interactions which can be represented by a graph. These interactions and the terms they connect are heterogeneous and multidimensional, and therefore current graph representations and analytics techniques are insufficient. Our article aims to show two issues: firstly, how these representations and analytics methods are limited and secondly, the possible solutions to overcome the multidimensionality and the heterogeneity of situations at the same time.
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hal-03553473 , version 1 (02-02-2022)


  • HAL Id : hal-03553473 , version 1


Yolène Berrou, Maxime Guery, Eddie Soulier. Limits and Potential Solutions to Represent and Analyze Multidimensional and Heterogeneous Situations. 2021. ⟨hal-03553473⟩
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