Continuous-time predictive-maintenance scheduling for a deteriorating system
A predictive-maintenance structure for a gradually deteriorating single-unit system (continuous time/continuous state) is presented in this paper. The proposed decision model enables optimal inspection and replacement decision in order to balance the cost engaged by failure and unavailability on an infinite horizon. Two maintenance decision variables are considered: the preventive replacement threshold and the inspection schedule based on the system state. In order to assess the performance of the proposed maintenance structure, a mathematical model for the maintained system cost is developed using regenerative and semi-regenerative processes theory. Numerical experiments show that the s-expected maintenance cost rate on an infinite horizon can be minimized by a joint optimization of the replacement threshold and the a periodic inspection times. The proposed maintenance structure performs better than classical preventive maintenance policies which can be treated as particular cases. Using the proposed maintenance structure, a well-adapted strategy can automatically be selected for the maintenance decision-maker depending on the characteristics of the wear process and on the different unit costs. Even limit cases can be reached: for example, in the case of expensive inspection and costly preventive replacement, the optimal policy becomes close to a systematic periodic replacement policy. Most of the classical maintenance strategies (periodic inspection/replacement policy, systematic periodic replacement, corrective policy) can be emulated by adopting some specific inspection scheduling rules and replacement thresholds. In a more general way, the proposed maintenance structure shows its adaptability to different possible characteristics of the maintained single-unit system.