11-january-2018 - Proceedings of the Complex Systems Academy of Excellence

Complex days - 11 january 2018

Table of Contents
Polynomial interpolation in higher dimensions
Alexandru Dimca
   1 8
Compressions of a polycarbonate honeycomb
André Galligo, Jean Rajchenbach and Bernard Rousselet

9 16

Measurement of temperature and thermal gradients using fibre optic long period gratings
Frédéric J Lesage
17 24
Nudging-based observers for geophysical data assimilation and joint state-parameters estimation
Samira Amraoui, Didier Auroux, Jacques Blum, Blaise Faugeras
25 34
The retina: a fascinating object of study for a physicist
Bruno Cessac
35 44
Modeling and computation of a liquid-vapor bubble formation
André Galligo, Frédéric Lesage, Sebastian Minjeaud
45 52
New paradigms in nuclear human decorporation using macromolecular systems
Laurane Léost, Florian Lahrouch, Christophe Den Auwer, Christophe Di Giorgio and coworkers
53 58
Collective behaviours of light and matter
Thibaut Flottat, Frédéric Hébert and George Batrouni
59 67
Extreme and rare events in hydrodynamical and optical systems
Giovanna Tissoni and Eric Simonnet
69 76
Complex molecule synthesis made easy
Nelli Elizarov, Pascal D. Giorgi, Alexandra Yeromina, Sylvain Antoniotti
77 86
Chaotic reverberation chambers for electromagnetic compatibility
Olivier Legrand, Ulrich Kuhl, Fabrice Mortessagne, Khalid Oubaha and Martin Richter
87 94
Collisional relaxation of long range interacting systems of particles
Fernanda P. C. Benetti and Bruno Marcos
95 103
Optimal control of slow-fast mechanical systems
Jean-Baptiste Caillau, Lamberto Dell’Elce, Jean-Baptiste Pomet and Jérémy Rouot
105 116
Light-induced self-organization in cold atomic clouds
Guillaume Labeyrie and Robin Kaiser
117 121
Eco-evolutionary dynamics in complex ecological communities
Flora Aubree, Vincent Calcagno
123 132
The Nice Cube (Nice3) nanosatellite project
F. Millour, S. Ottogalli, M. Maamri, A. Stibbe, F. Ferrero, L. Rolland, S. Rebeyrolle, A. Marcotto, K. Agabi, M. Beaulieu, M. Benabdesselam, J.-B. Caillau, F. Cauneau, L. Deneire, F. Mady, D. Mary, A. Memin, G. Metris, J.-B. Pomet, O. Preis, R. Staraj, E. Ait Lachgar, D. Baltazar, G. Bao, M. Deroo, B. Gieudes, M. Jiang, T. Livio de Miranda Pinto Filho, M. Languery, O. Petiot, A. Thevenon
133 144
Modelling complex systems in Archaeology: general issues and first insights from the ModelAnSet project
Frédérique Bertoncello, Marie-Jeanne Ouriachi, Célia Da Costa Pereira, Andrea Tettamanzi, Louise Purdue, Daniel Contreras, Dennis Fox, Nobuyuki Hanaki, Rami Ajroud, Jérémy Lefebvre
145 154
Enhancing magnetic separation of nanoparticles
Pavel Kuzhir, Hinda Ezzaier, Jessica A. Marins, Cécilia Magnet, Yaroslova Izmaylov, Cyrille Claudet
155 164
Semiconductor lasers: coherence and localized states
Stéphane Barland, Massimo Giudici, Gian Luca Lippi
165 173