2D Adaptive FE Simulations in Finite Thermo-Elasto-Viscoplasticity with Ductile Damage: Application to Orthogonal Metal Cutting by Chip Formation and Breaking
Fully coupled thermo-elasto-visco-plastic-damage constitutive equations based on the state variables under large plastic deformation are developed for metal forming simulation. Relevant numerical aspects concerning both the global resolution strategy as well as the local integration scheme are discussed. The model is implemented into ABAQUS/Explicit using the Vumat user subroutine and used in connection with a 2D adaptive mesh facility. Application is made to the orthogonal metal cutting resulting in chip formation and segmentation or breaking. This example is studied in order to examine the ability of this adaptive fully coupled approach to predict qualitatively the formation and the segmentation of the chip compared to the classical procedure, which neglects the damage effect.